Monday, August 25, 2008

Lim ka da da si lum pa - 25Jun07

I call Ah-Gong to tell him about our gynae visit gender scan today, i ask him to guess the gender whether is it a boy or girl..? Ah-Gong confidently replied me, BOY! Wow! How did he know that?!?!? So i probed Ah-Gong, he said "Ah-Ma say one..." so he believe... True enough, Ah-Ma did said something related exactly 14 months ago on my wedding day 25 Jun 2007... 
Check out the video clip and listen carefully what did my Ah-Ma say in the background... 

Dear all, as i have mentioned in my previous post the scan is only 70-80% accurate so please dun jump into any confirmed conclusion yet about the gender of my baby... Yes it could be a boy, but it's not confirmed... .. . 

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